Please join us in an incredible opportunity to bless Vision Church in Cabaret, Haiti. Our friend and co-laborer in the gospel, Pastor Rosinel has been pastoring a church there since 2016. It quickly became evident that people in a country entrenched in voodoo were hungry for the hope of Christ. Many many began to come.
They created "footings" to the maximum area their terrain would allow, to someday expand their building. They use this space for Sunday morning service, Sunday night prayer meetings, Wednesday night Bible Study, and then on weekdays for PreK-gr 2 classes for Vision School.
Here we are five years later, and they have been adding bricks as money has allowed - they are now awaiting the final, yet most expensive piece - The roof. They have saved up $3000 towards this. They await another $12,000. That number can seem daunting for people making $0-$3/day. Could we show our love for them by helping them reach this goal? They know God is with them, they know He loves them - it's in His Word, and taking root in their hearts. Can we show them WE love them with Christ's love as well, we are praying for them, and we stand alongside them when things on earth look hopeless? Any amount you can give towards this goal would be so appreciated. To God be the glory!!
The Christmas Offering will be collected in person on Sunday, Dec. 4. You can give in person or online through the end of December. Please earmark it: Christmas Offering