The Next

Adult Sunday School

Session Will Start

In September

See you on 9/8/24

Sunday School for all ages and the Nursery are available.

Leader: Elders

Are you interested in membership and not sure of the next step? Please let us help. In this class we delve into the meaning and provide answers to help guide you on your journey of what that could be for you.

Homework: none

From Rebels to Heirs

Romans 1-5

Leader: Darald Trinka

Romans offers a powerful presentation of the sinfulness of man and the righteousness of God; and that without mercy we are under God’s wrath. In Romans, Paul makes a powerful and blunt appeal to call rebels away from their idolatry to the just, merciful, and loving God.

The question Paul focuses on in chapters one through five is, “How does sinful man escape the rightful wrath of God.” Is it by doing good? Is it by being a descendant of Abraham? Or is it by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, through the work of the cross? Surely you know the answer, but have you taken the time to slowly dig through Romans so that you will be transformed by the renewing of your mind?

Book: To encourage this, we will be using the Romans "Scripture Journal, study edition". This book contains Romans where each page has an opposing blank page to record reflections, questions, and thoughts. We will be working through Romans passage by passage.

Homework: The homework is to dig into each week’s passage and journal your thoughts; this will take a couple of hours each week. 

Navigating Your Finances God's Way

Leaders: Scott Smalley & Mark Blasko

A scripture based approach to financial topics including giving, saving and spending. The starting point is that all we have is God’s, so it needs to be managed in accordance with His will. This is a video-based class.

Book: (Optional) Navigating Your Finances God’s Way: Video Study Workbook by Compass

What is a Healthy Church?

Leaders: Jeff Haavisto & Don George

What is a healthy church, and how can you tell? In this class we will look at the key characteristics of a healthy church, what we as believers do in maintaining the local church, and we will look at some timeless truths and practical principles to help each of us fulfill our God-given roles in the body of Christ.

As Pastor and author Mark Dever says, “When a person becomes a Christian, he doesn’t just join a local church because it’s a good habit for growing in spiritual maturity. He joins a local church because it’s the expression of what Christ has made him–a member of the body of Christ.”

Book: (Optional) What is a Healthy Church? by Mark Dever

Homework: None