Men's Ministry

"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." - Proverbs 27:17

Men are transformed when they engage and apply the truth of God in the context of healthy relationships. Left alone we will drift; together we will grow stronger.

In order to reach our full potential as Christ followers, husbands, fathers, and leaders, we need other men in our lives who will sharpen us to become more like Jesus. Our goal is to see men learn to grow (from where we are to where we should be by God’s Word), learn to lead (at home, at work, at church), and learn to serve.

We are in the midst of transforming our men's ministry. Three of our main efforts are shown below: Discipleship, Men's Bible Study, and One-2-One Bible Reading.

Others include:

  • Special Events and Conferences
  • Sunday School Classes
  • Small Groups

Check back often as we continue to update and refine this vital ministry.

Men's Bible Study

  • Every Wednesday Morning 6:30 am - 7:30 am.