At FCBC, we believe that the Bible not only is inspired - breathed out - by God, but is applicable to the whole life. We believe that it has uses for teaching, for confronting, for correcting, and for training the Christ-follower, in order that we can be prepared for every step of the "Great Adventure," the life of good works to which he has called us (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Further, God calls us in passages such as Psalms 1 and John 14:21 to take in, meditate upon, and follow his Scriptures (cf Joshua 1:8; Psalms 119:11; John 14:15-21; Romans 10:17).
However, a Lifeway Research survey indicates that while about 90% of self-identified church-going Christians say they "desire to please and honor Jesus in all I do," out of every 5 of those respondents, only about 1 reads the Bible daily, 2 read it only weekly to monthly, and 1 never read the Bible at all!
At FCBC, we would like to see this change. "One-2-One Bible Reading" is one tool we are using to effect that change.
One-2-One is simple and flexible. Two people commit to meet regularly to pray and read the Bible together. We provide training and resources to help participants read the Bible effectively, including suggested books and reading plans, questions to help foster discussion and learning, assistance in finding a reading partner, and other help and guidance as needed for people to get involved.