"For we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10
Thank you to all who donated time, resources, materials, funds, and energy to this project. Scripture says, "How good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity" (Psalm 133:1), and we see this to be true in the unity our community displayed, coming together in so many ways with this project.
What is the Clough Pond Beach Restoration Project?
The people of Faith Community Bible Church wished to serve the community, and believed restoring the town beach for all to use was one way to do so. At the time, Clough Pond had a steep pitch and more rocks than sand. Through devoted efforts and coordination, we saw the Clough Pond Association, Loudon Selectmen, State of NH, and even departments of the federal government agree to a plan involving a tiered beach which would make the beach more accessible, usable, and maintainable
Many hold Clough Pond dear in their hearts. A comment we consistently heard was, “I used to go there when I was little. I am so happy it is being restored. We would love to go back!” People got excited. People wanted to help. We love our community, and we wanted to encourage it. This wasn't a "Faith Community Bible Church project." We saw ourselves simply as the "Velcro" to get the right people, organizations, and papers together to restore the beach.
What was Involved?
There were five phases to this project: planning, local and state approvals, organizing, execution, and maintenance.
Planning: This began in 2016 with project conception, surveying, designing, and numerous meetings with Selectmen, State of NH, Conservation Commission, Clough Pond Association, volunteers, donors, local businesses, and contractors.
Approvals/Permitting: Due to the thorough coordination and surveying, the approvals phase went smoothly. The project was approved by the State and we had all necessary permits in hand in late July, 2017.
Organizing: A large part of the process - which continued concurrently with other phases - was the organizing of volunteers, community support, and donors of funds, equipment, labor, and materials.
Execution: Work began on Sunday, August 13th, 2017 with marking of the project. Heavy work began the following Friday, August 18th and through the incredible efforts of so many was complete - from excavation to grading to installation of all components (including over 100 tons of sand!) and replacement of the landscaping in only one weekend! The following week, a couple community members went even further and restored the parking area with hardpack!
Maintenance: The project is designed to require minimal maintenance besides clean up and occasional replacement of sand.
Check back often - we continue to post information here and on our FaceBook page.
How can I get involved?
We would ask you to continue to be in prayer - in thanks for God's provision, for the community, and that God would be glorified by the way the beach is enjoyed and used by the people of Loudon. It has only been through prayer that we have gotten this far. We would love to share with you the stories of what God has done.
We will also need help from time-to-time to do light maintenance - cleanup, weeding of the borders, and the like. You are welcome to call the office at Faith Community Bible Church at (603) 783-4045 or email welcome.fcbc@gmail.com with any questions.