Global Outreach

And Jesus came and said to them, "All Authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefor and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you . And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." 

Matthew 28:18-20


Our global ministries exist to reach all tribes, tongues, peoples, and nations. And we each have a role to play. Our aim is to nurture and train many to become goers and to involve and educate all others to be senders and supporters.

We have driving conviction behind missions that shape how we aim to shepherd and equip those who feel called to go to the nations in a long-term capacity and how we provide opportunities for others to go in a short-term capacity.


Meet Our Global Partners

  • Tampa, FL Service with Open Air Campaigners

    "Dear Brothers and Sisters, Thank you for being our sending church and for all your prayers and encouragement. We have an awesome God and He is still saving souls. He still wants all to come to repentance, 2 Peter 3:9. It is with that in mind that God has us in Tampa clearly sharing the gospel with folks of all ages. This includes, doing open air evangelism using a sketch-board at beaches and other places, passing out thousands of tracts, hosting Bible Clubs for migrant workers' families, food distribution, puppetry, and more! We have a passion to see the lost come to know our Savior and invite you to join us in this life-changing work!"

  • Tanzania, Serving with Ethnos360

    Our current ministry focus is two fold. Jon's first role is serving on our leadership team for our region, this includes giving direction to our teams in the countries of South Africa, Mozambique, and Tanzania. His other role is working on our resource development team for Tanzania. This means working on translating and developing our missionary resources and training for our future Tanzanian co-workers.

  • Umbertide, Italy

    "We have lived and worked in Umbertide, Italy, a town of about 17,000 people, since 1995. We work in a collaborative church planting ministry with an Italian Brethren church in Città di Castello which is just north of Umbertide. By God’s grace there is now a small, growing church in Umbertide. God has faithfully worked and blessed these many years. We have seen fruit from evangelistic outreaches, park outreaches, English in the coffee bar, friendship evangelism and every other opportunity for meeting people and sharing the gospel. A baptism in October and a conversion right after that have encouraged the growing church family. The investment in young believers' lives has also encouraged us as we see them continue serving with their gifts."

  • Philippines, Serving with Titus International

    The mission of Titus Far East (TFE) is to evangelize, disciple and train Youth toward involvement in cross cultural missions. We are here to help churches have a vibrant evangelistic youth ministry with a goal of putting missions on the table as a possible way for them to invest their lives in a worthwhile manner for God. We do this through promoting and facilitating the Activate youth program to any like-minded churches who want our help. We help them to evangelize, disciple, and teach biblical truth to youth using our Activate curriculum and God Search Journals. Our future vision is to start Titus Global Institute to help further train any of the young people from these churches or other churches.

  • South Africa

    The Peronts are in the process of creating a new organization to promote fostering.

    To sign up for email updates, send an email to Sarah Cates

  • Central Africa

    To sign up for email updates or to be even more connected through an app, 

    email Sarah Cates

  • Central Asia

    To sign up for email updates or to be even more connected through an app, 

    email Sarah Cates

Global Dispatch

Messages from the Field

The Means & Goal of Missions is the Local Church