What it Means to be the

Body of Christ

Beginning April 7th, we will start a 7-week Sunday School series to address these two questions:

  1. What is the Church?
  2. What is Faith Community Bible Church?

This class is intended for all members and non-members as we discuss what it means to be the "Body of Christ," and specifically what that looks like in our context as a local congregation. For those considering joining FCBC, this will also serve as a membership class.

There is no book required for this class; however, we will be referencing Rediscover Church: Why the Body of Christ is Essential, by Collin Hansen and Jonathan Leeman. We have some copies available, and would like to purchase more for those who need them. If we order soon, we can get them much cheaper ($5 + flat rate shipping) than list price ($12.99), so if you need a book, please tell us by Sunday, March 24th!

Also, if you are planning to take this as a membership class, please indicate this on the sign-up sheet. Please sign-up in Palmer Hall or with your One Church app.

Mission Roundtable Discussion

Our next discussion is scheduled for February 13, 2024

Questions for Mission Roundtable Discussion:

  • Do these dates work for you?
  • Are you willing to own a trip? (See definition below).
  • What can in-house mile markers be throughout the year? (see definition below of “in-house mile markers).
  • Do you want to be on the Holding the Rope team for the Rwanda mission?
  • What are ways we can practically hold the rope for the Rwanda team?


  • Summer Training Trips AKA Short-Term Mission Trips. Sometimes, the adjective “short-term” comes with implications. Short-term correctly communicates the duration of the trip, but it can fail to capture the deeper goals. Therefore, we hope this name change to Summer Training Trips captures the larger goal of these trips.
  • Own a Trip. An owner of a trip would be responsible for coordination and communication of the trip, coming alongside students in regards to our in-house mile markers, and chaperoning trip for the first year. Ideally, an owner would own a trip for at least 2 years knowing that efficiency and effectiveness will increase after first time.
  • In House Mile Markers. Sometimes students go on mission trips with little or no preparation beyond securing money and signing release forms. FCBC desires to equip them before we send them. What are activities students can do throughout the year that can serve as mile markers for their participation in the trip? Should we require mile markers to be fulfilled in order to participate on trip?
  • Holding the Rope Team - William Carey famously said that he would “go down into the mine (go to India) if his close friend, Andrew Fuller, would “hold the rope.” As a Faith Family, we want to support the Rwanda team in a manner worthy of the Lord (3 John 6-7). A Rope Holder Team is an advocacy team formed for a dual focus. Towards the sent ones, the RHT is formed to pray for, keep up with, and encourage and strengthen the sent team. Towards our Faith Family, the RHT is formed to represent the ministry to the church, foster prayer, and visibility of the sent team to the body. We are looking for no more than 8 people on Rope Holding Team with one leader to coordinate team’s ministry.


  • Purpose: Reaching the Nations starts at Home. In other words, to see our kids grow up with a heart for reaching the nations starts with cultivating their hearts for the Lord and the lost here. To put it in a more memorable way: We are HERE so that others one day may HEAR. Famma-Jamma-Summerama exists to (1) expose young people to God’s heart for the lost in the world, (2) encourage young people in the Word of God, and (3) to equip Jr. High students to participate in ministry.
  • Location: FCBC
  • Cost: Free
  • Dates: June 26-28, 2024
  • IN HOUSE Mile Markers ideas….
    • Run games at YG with a friend
    • Give update on Missionary Kid at YG
    • read/Watch Missionary biographies/movies
    • teach in Bible Explorers

Teacher: Dennis Lommen and Dan HeHart

God owns everything. We are his stewards. So this class will look at the things God's given us--our money, health, time, skills--and see God's purpose for them. We'll look to Scripture to see why he gave them to us, how we're to use them, and the dangers to avoid. 

Book: no book

Homework: no homework


Where Live and Scripture Meet

Leader: Jeff Haavisto

A relative was just diagnosed with an incurable disease. Someone in your small group is depressed. Your friends are having marital troubles. When those you know and love experience trouble, you don't want to hand out pat answers or religious platitudes. Instead, you want to offer real help and real hope from God’s word to people in a way that touches their hearts and life.

When you learn to read the Bible and “read" people you can use the Scriptures to help people grow to love God and others more fully in the midst of their complex daily lives. This class will help you understand both people and the Bible more thoroughly, to build the skill of interpreting the biblical text and interpreting the person.

Book: Optional, we will not go through one book exclusively but will be using material from Crosstalk: Where Life and Scripture Meet by Mike Emlet and Saints, Sufferers, and Sinners: Loving Others As God Loves Us by Michael R. Emlet

Homework: none

Leader: Pastor Pat Testerman

Are you interested in becoming a member of our church? Are you interested in learning more about church membership? This class will review the biblical precedent for church membership. We will have discussions throughout the class.

Book: Bible

Homework: Weekly

Next Adult Sunday School Class

Starts April 7, 2024

Sunday School for all ages and the Nursery are available.

We believe in God the Heavenly Father, who exists in three persons; Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

(John 14:16-17 and Matthew 28:19)

We believe that all three had part in the Creation.

(Genesis 1:1-2 and John 1:1-5)

We believe Jesus Christ was born of the virgin Mary, who conceived of the Holy Ghost, and that which was born of her was the Son of God, making Christ both God and man.

(Matthew 1:18-23)

We believe the Scriptures to be truly inspired of God, inerrant in the original writing, and the supreme and final authority in faith and life.

(II Peter 1:20-21 and II Timothy 3:16-17)

We believe that all who receive by faith Christ as Savior, are born again of the Holy Spirit, and therefore become the children of God.

(John 1:12 and Romans 8:9)

We believe in the baptism of believers by immersion (Mark 1:9-11), not unto salvation, but in obedience to and identification with Christ, manifesting a daily walk and growth in the Christian’s life.

(Colossians 2:6-7 and I Peter 1:15-16)

We believe in partaking of the Lord’s Supper as a loving memorial of the One who died and gave Himself for us. And as often as we eat this bread and drink this cup, do it in remembrance of Him.

(I Corinthians 11:23-25)

We believe that the Holy Spirit indwells the believer, and divides severally to whom He will the gifts of the Spirit, and that the believer is to bear the fruit of the Spirit.

(I Corinthians 3:16-17, 12:11, and Galatians 5:22-23)

We believe that Jesus Christ was crucified, buried, and risen again in bodily resurrection, ascended into Heaven, and is our High Priest and Advocate.

(I Corinthians 15:3-4 and Hebrews 4:14-16)

We believe in the bodily return of Jesus Christ.

(Acts 1:1-11 and I Thessalonians 4:16-17)

We believe in the resurrection of the saved to eternal life, and the unsaved to eternal punishment.

(Acts 24:15, Revelation 20:15, and Romans 6:23)


Get to Know a Youth Leader


Membership Podcasts

These podcasts exist to equip our church to live out meaningful membership in the power of the Spirit to the glory of God!


Joshua Owens

Lead Pastor

Pastor Josh joined Faith Community Bible Church as our Associate Pastor in January 2008. He received his BA in Biblical Studies from Liberty University, holds a Master of Divinity from Trinity Theological Seminary, and received his Doctor of Ministry from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in May 2018.

Prior to his ministry at Faith Community Bible Church, Josh served as a Bible teacher at Evangel Christian School in Woodbridge, VA (his hometown). He is married to Laura, whom he met at Liberty University and they have three children. It is a joy for the family to serve at FCBC as it is Laura's home church and her family lives in the area. During their free time, the Owens family enjoys reading together and any outdoor activity in beautiful NH. 

Welcome to FCBC!


Michael Foose

Family Pastor

Pastor Michael and Shelby Foose joined in the work God is doing at Faith Community Bible Church in August 2021. Michael and Shelby met at Liberty University, where Michael received both his undergraduate (2015) and Masters of Divinity (2018) degrees.

In 2016, Michael and Shelby married and moved to Michael’s hometown in Lancaster, PA and served in the church he grew up in. Michael and Shelby have one son. As a family, they enjoy spending their free time in God’s creation.

The Fooses deeply appreciate that discipleship is the focus and mission of FCBC. Michael is passionate about helping people take the next step in their walk with Jesus.

Contact Pastor Michael


FCBC Youth Group exists to proclaim the Gospel and make disciple-making disciples.

Join The Conversation

Discipleship Podcast Series


A great way to get connected

is through our

Hand Pointing Right  Guest Luncheon  Hand Pointing Left


"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” - Matthew 28:16-20


Great Commission

We the Church have been sent by Jesus to the task of the Great Commission. This mission is for everyone in the church, not just the missionaries. Making disciples – that’s our task. No one is excluded. There are no spectators.

So, everyone has a mission and our missions program is aimed at outreaching with our mission to those outside this local church. Our missions program puts emphasis on reaching the least reached peoples of this world especially through church planting.

We as a church seek to learn about and pray for missions. We seek to go and send people to the mission field. We seek to welcome people from other people’s around the world and mobilize our own to be going.  

Membership Matters

Leader: Don George

Are you interested in becoming a member of our church? Are you interested in learning more about church membership? This class will review the biblical precedent for church membership. We will have discussions throughout the class.

Sunday Mornings

Homework: weekly

Prayer Workshop

While there is far more to developing a rich prayer life than can be covered in five weeks, we hope to deepen your dialog with God. Each week we will look at a biblical text, reflect, and respond in prayer. After all, it is of little value to read and reflect on prayer without actually praying! To prime the pump for this workshop, we encourage you to read a book from the suggested list, in the link below, before Jan. 8th.

Regardless of what you do or do not do by way of preparation, we believe all will be able to glean from this workshop on prayer.  



Sunday Nights 6-8 pm


For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function,  so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. 

- Romans 12:4-5


  • Our mission

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  • our values

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  • our staff

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  • contact us

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  • statement of faith

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  • church calendar

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Church Chats

Q & A chats with our Pastors


Christmas Offering

This year, we would like to start a new Faith Family Tradition–A Missions Christmas Offering. This year Haiti has been hit hard on multiple fronts. Out of the unrest and suffering, people are looking for hope. Many are finding their way to Vision Church with Pastor Rosinel. Would you partner with us by investing in a roof for Vision Church with the goal of impacting Haiti with the only hope–the gospel of Jesus Christ?

The Christmas Offering will be collected in person on Sunday, Dec. 4. You can give in person or online through the end of December. Please earmark it: Christmas Offering


"Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among the peoples." Psalms 96:3

Christmas Day

Join us for a Christmas Day service. After some Christmas carols, you'll hear a short devotional from Pastor Josh on how understanding the origin of the gift helps you thank the giver.


  • Sunday, Dec. 25 at 10 a.m.
  • Nursery and Bible Explorers will not be available.

"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:11

Christmas Eve

Join us for one of two Christmas Eve services on December 24th. This is a great opportunity to invite others to join you in celebrating the birth of Christ!


Saturday, Dec. 24 at 5 & 7 p.m.

"Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy." Luke 2:10

Christmas Caroling

Please join us for a fun evening of Christmas Caroling in the neighborhoods of Loudon. 

Meet us at FCBC on Dec. 11th at 3pm. 

Bring a soup to share for us to enjoy after caroling. All ages welcome. 

  • Young Adults ages 18 to 25

    Jennie & Eric Steinhauser

    This small group meets in Concord for seniors in high school to age 25. We spend time in prayer and in Bible study, digging into God’s Word and encouraging one another to pursue Christ throughout the week.

    Thursdays from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm

    Concord, New Hampshire

Christmas Community Choir

You're invited to join us for a Community Choir experience featuring music, artistry, laughter, and more. Be sure to hang around afterward for pictures, holiday treats, and fellowship! We do recommend that you arrive early as seats will fill up quickly.

  • Several churches are partnering together to form a larger choir to serve the surrounding Loudon communities.

  • The same carols will be sung December 4th and December 10th. Come to one. Come to both. Starts at 6PM each evening.

  • Please plan for the event to last one hour.

  • No, you do not need a ticket. The event is free and seating is available on a first come, first-serve basis.

  • We recommend that you arrive 15 minutes before the service, especially if you will be sitting together with a large group.

  • All kids are welcome to attend and join in the singing! If they get tired of singing, we will have some activity packets ready for them at the door. Please grab one as you enter. We also have two nurseries if you need a quieter space.


Here at Faith Community Bible Church, we love having guests. Whether you’ve grown up in church all your life, or have never been to church before, we hope that FCBC will be a warm and welcoming place for you, where you are engaged with the truth of God’s Word and the love of God’s people.

Every Christ-follower a disciple,

Every mature Christ-follower

a disciple maker.

Join us at 10:00 am on Sunday mornings.


Thank you for your interest in Faith Community Bible Church.  We know that trying a new church for the first time can be a little uncomfortable.  Many faces and activities that are unfamiliar.  At FCBC, we want you to feel at home as one of our guests, because at some point we were all guests!  We want you to learn about our church and get connected in a way that makes sense for you.  


Here are some questions you may have when visiting.

What entrance do I use?

Our main entrance is on the right as you look at the building from the parking lot, under the awning.  Our greeters look forward to meeting you.

Do you have a nursery?

We love children!  Our nursery provides a safe and caring place for children ages three and under during our Sunday School hour, 8:30 am to 9:30 am, and the morning worship services at 10:00 am.    

What is the preaching and music like at FCBC?

The message from the pulpit is always God-honoring, scripture-based, and delivered by men in service to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

At our worship services you will find a mix of traditional hymns and Christ-centered praise music.  

What are the ages of those attending FCBC?

At our service you will see a mix of people in all seasons of life. Seniors, young adults, teens, and families with children all worshiping together.

What do the people of FCBC wear?

Our church family dresses casual to formal.  

How does FCBC practice the Lord's Table?

Our Communion Service is held on the first Sunday of each month. During Communion, you will have an opportunity to remember what Christ has done on the cross through the symbolism of the bread and the cup.  Our Elders and Deacons serve the bread and the cup to the congregation.  Upon receiving the elements, please wait to take them until our pastor leads us to take them corporately.

What do you have available for children and youth?

  • At our morning worship service, children age three through fifth grade are dismissed after worship to attend our Children's Ministry, Bible Explorers.  First time attendees, please escort your child to class and introduce yourself.
  • September - June we offer Sunday School classes for children through Grade 12 at 8:30 am.
  • In addition to Sunday morning, there is a Sunday evening gathering for youth ages 11 to 18 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

A great way to get connected is through our Guest Luncheon.